LifestyleTravel Philippines

It’s a new day

posted by 04/04/2016 4 Comments




Welcome to my new look SaltyBug blog. Please stay a while, have a look around and drop me a line to say hi using my new look Contact page or by leaving a comment. If you want to get to know me a bit better, check out my About Me page. Please read about our son’s journey with speech delay if you have any worries about your own child’s development.

I am pretty excited. This has been in the planning for a while now. It has really been about having the time and the help to get it up and running. I went straight to my friend, fellow Perth-ite and Blogger Janine Ripper and sought council with her. Janine has been a great support and help with the technical side of getting a WordPress Blog up and running. Thank goodness because honestly, without her knowledge and experience this would not have happened. So Janine, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for sitting quietly while I rant over Skype. Thank you for reading my long winded, off topic emails. Thank you for answering ridiculous questions that I am sure you were slapping your head over. Thank you for being so kind to my children when they popped their little heads into the screen, and listening patiently as they told you of their latest adventures, toys, collections of rocks, sticks and sticky tape…I am truly grateful.   

At this point I am still figuring out how to use this platform so some of the formatting on my older posts might look a little dodgy. Over the coming weeks I hope to go through everything, fiddling here and there and learning the tricks to running one of these things. I am excited to have my Instagram feed on here now. I love Instagram and I love photography so sharing my images with you is a great joy. I have also incorporated my other blog SaltyBug’s Splashes. This is where I will put my more creative writing ventures, and link-ups.


Along with my new look blog, I have a new look strategy


I am one of those people who firmly believes that you should do something you love. I do not believe in having one career for your whole life – unless that is what you love of course. For me, I change with the wind and I am a curious person so would love to try a whole bunch of different things throughout my life. I’m pretty sure my time has passed for being an astronaut and a famous movie star though so for now, I want to see where this writing adventure can take me.

My focus has not moved, it has just grown. My Essence won’t change, but my style is evolving. I will always love the simplicity of life, but I also love the fancy-smanshy stuff too. I can deal with both elements in my life, very well thank you.

Have a look at my Marketing & Sponsorship page if you feel we may have something in common. Drop me an email or contact me via this website, I’m always happy to have a chat. 

So come along with me. Let’s see where this can go. I do love an adventure…

 SaltyBug (1)




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Mia Sutton 05/04/2016 at 7:05 pm

Yay, congrats, it’s beautiful! 🙂

Reply 05/04/2016 at 7:50 pm

Thank you so much! Wow, what a journey this is, thank goodness I had help! Now of course I’m going ‘oh, I am sure I can find a better theme than this..what if I just google a bit more…’ Time for another wine to celebrate and an early night I think! Thank you for your support Mia. I really appreciate it.

Mackenzie Glanville 06/04/2016 at 11:26 am

It looks really sleek and professional, just lovely. I am a huge fan of this style. I have had a good look through and I love how you have written about your son, he is amazing! Much love from Australia xx

Reply 06/04/2016 at 1:21 pm

Thanks for checking it out Mac. Our boy is amazing, we are certainly very proud of him.


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