SaltyBug's Splashes

The Sunshine Blogger Award

posted by 09/10/2015 2 Comments
I was recently nominated for The Sunshine Bloggers Award by Reflections from a Redhead. I was pleasantly surprised by the thought so thank you Janine.
Here’s some more info about the Sunshine Blogger Award
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are inspiring and bring sunshine into the lives of their readers and fellow bloggers. It is such a lovely thing, to have someone feel this way about your writing.
Here are the rules
  1. Thank the person that nominated you
  2. Answer the questions from the person that nominated you
  3. Nominate some other bloggers for this award
  4. Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you have nominated
  5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated
Here are the questions I was asked to answer
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is the most positive thing that has happened to you because of blogging?
  3. What do you do to keep positive and live an inspired life?
  4. What do you do when you aren’t blogging?
  5. What do you do to relax?

So here it goes…

Why did you start blogging?
I have wanted to write for many years. When we decided to move countries I was looking at options to reinvent my career and keep myself busy in between kid wrangling and being a trailing spouse. Blogging seemed accessible, and a way for me to start writing and discover my voice in writing.
What is the most positive thing that has happened to you because of blogging?
There are two. The first is meeting an amazing online network of ‘friends’. I really did not expect that and I cannot tell you how supportive it is.
The second is that it has given me confidence in my abilities to write. I know when I feel really good about something I have written, and when I get feedback from friends, family and strangers online it helps me see that I am okay at this writing thing.
What do you do to keep positive and live an inspired life?
I always keep an optimistic outlook. I look for the opportunity in everything and make sure I am reflective and mindful. I am proactive and take ownership of everything I do, of every decision I make. This has been particularly important moving to a new country. So many people get negative about the hard stuff. I say ‘we chose to be here, it is up to us to make this the best possible adventure and make it work, no matter what’. That is what I do. I laugh at the crazy, cry when it’s hard then get up and brush myself off, reflect on the situation and turn it around. Then I just keep going.
There is so much amazingness in the world. So much beauty, kindness and fabulousness. I choose to focus on that in my life.
What do you do when you aren’t blogging?
Kid wrangling
School drop off/pick up – about 3 hours a day
Grocery shopping which often takes 2 days to do over here
Catching up with friends
Exploring this new life of ours
What do you do to relax?
Sew – I’m not getting much time to do that at the moment. I just made green lame super hero pants for BB. Still need to make a top. He puts the pants on and gets extra strong. I have made Noodles the dog a very cute bean bag bed and FB is desperate for a pretty pink dress. I am also keen to try making her a tutu for ballet. I have the fabric, just need to get onto it.
Read – I started a book club although at the moment we are listening to a pod cast and this new format of entertainment is pretty awesome.
Exercise – I’m not doing as much of that as I’d like but I do have a new routine so at least I am doing something.
Bake – I love to bake yummy things and feed people.
Be out in nature – bush walking, the beach, in the garden. I just like to tune in with our earth.
Who I am nominating next:
Sheryl Rose of Grandma Rose – whose voice shines through her everyday anecdotes and makes me smile. You are hilarious Sheryl!
Mia Sutton of The Chronicles of Chaos – You bring sunshine to my life with your WODW linkup – even though I’ve been a bit slack of late. You are a breath of fresh air.
Vashelle  of Shelly’sCabaret – You are the other part of WODW so you bring me sunshine too. I love reading about your adventures with your lovely family. You too are a breath of fresh air. Keeping it real.

3 questions

I have chosen questions that are a bit left of field. Just to have something a bit different going on.
Remember – there is no obligation here to do this. It is entirely up to you. If you do decide to accept this award, remember to drop by and give me your link so I can check it out.
  1. What is something you miss the most from your childhood
  2. Which is your favourite part of the human face. Why?
  3. Tell me about your dinner last night, make it good…
Until next time xxxx

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Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos 19/10/2015 at 7:26 am

Thank you so much for your kind words! You made me smile. Sorry I'm so late to this post! I may blog about one of your questions here. 🙂

Salty Bug 22/10/2015 at 8:34 pm

Don't stress about it, if you get to it great, if not it's quite ok.


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