
The Jewel in My Day

posted by saltybug.com 16/04/2015 2 Comments

On the weekend I was walking down the staircase and I could hear ‘you are my sunshine’ ring out through our condo. You see our boxes had just arrived from home and through the cheerful noise and happy mess that now filled our home, FB’s lovely little jewelry box had been found and this is the tune it plays. I wasn’t sure whether to smile with the memories and my love of this song, or cry because despite this latest joy, in that moment I was having such trouble coping with our circumstances. I chose to smile. Despite the challenges we face here, this is still an adventure, and one worth the wild ride. There is always a reason to smile. 

The catch-cry ‘Welcome to the Philippines’ is used a lot and often said through gritted teeth. Like the black dust that covers every nook and cranny of this city, the challenges create dissension in every nook and cranny of your life. Despite your awareness, it’s hard not to let it.
Then you get to take a moment, like the one I just had last night which lets you know that it will all be okay. After a day of violent illness, aggressive noise and technical isolation resulting in my last post, I crawled into bed when SB came home from work. It was finally his shift with the children and I was so thankful. As I rested the door opened and in came my babes, showered, clean and ready for bed. In they get with me and I snuggle into them as hard as I can and with my eyes closed I listen to their beautiful noise. Those giggles take my breath away. Then SB comes in and lays with us and the three of them sing ‘Ba Ba Blacksheep’ together in unison. I smiled. This is the Jewell in my day. This was worth the agonizing hours that day had presented. These few minutes are such pure, magical happiness and new tears came into my eyes. Tears of relief. Tears of knowing that we will be okay in this strange new land. So far away from our home by the sea, because some things haven’t – and won’t change. 

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Marie Loerzel 17/04/2015 at 12:51 am

I know it's tough. I know some days suck more than anything in a foreign country with kids. But, it's those magical moments like you said that will stick with you. We've been back in the states for almost 3 years now from Morocco and I would still do it all over again. Mistakes and all.

SaltyBug 17/04/2015 at 9:47 pm

Thanks Marie, your comment means so much to me. xx


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