SaltyBug's Splashes

The Funniest Thing I Saw this Week…

posted by 27/03/2015 8 Comments

I have a wicked sense of humour and like to see the funny side to things, but it takes something extra special to make me laugh out loud. This weeks prompt for Friday Reflections had me stumped for a bit until this. I loved it so much I get the kids to show it to me over and over again. I almost cry from laughing so much, it is just so cute.

A New Game

Here in our new special home, the children share a room
Lacking in a bunk bed, mattresses lay strewn
When the evening comes, tired babes they are
Put them into bed, and that’s when they become
Energizer bunnies, so excited to be
Sharing a bedroom, far across the sea
Usually I spend my nights, calling for them to ‘QUIET!’
One special night this week, I ventured in to see this riot
Watching from the doorway, I saw the children’s cheeky grins
Beaming at me through the dark, welcoming me in
What are you doing’ I asked them with a smile
We are playing our new game, would you like to stay a while?’
Sure’ I say, ‘teach me how, you play this funny game’
OK’ they squeal excitedly and prepare to entertain.

Starting huddled in a ball, my babes lift up their legs

Now they’re doing downward dog, well their giving it their best
Oohhh my nappy is lifting up!’ my babes cry out in tandem
Then they kick their legs out through the back
Squealing OOHHHHooohhhWWOOO!
Down on their tummy’s they’ve landed.

Well I just burst out laughing, loud and uncensored

‘How adorable this game you play, I must make a record’
Then Friday Reflections came up again
Now I get to write, what made me laugh out loud this week?
My children’s pure delight




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Janine Ripper 27/03/2015 at 10:00 pm

How cute! This brings smiles to my face as I picture my soon to be 12 year old step son pretending to be a caterpillar in a blanket wriggling over the floor and then trying to scare D by hiding around a corner still wrapped in the blanket last weekend. I almost peed myself!

SaltyBug 27/03/2015 at 10:18 pm

Oh that is a funny one! The things they do! Hilarious, you just want to bottle it up and make millions from it!

Mary Nolan 28/03/2015 at 2:02 pm

This brings back so many memories of my girls when they were little, particularly my twins who indeed became energiser bunnies at bedtime. One night hearing noise I went up to find they had shaken the bottom out of one of their cots. One was running around the room, the other hanging over the bars of the other cot egging her on.

SaltyBug 28/03/2015 at 3:50 pm

That is so cute! I can just picture it. They just so sweet and pure when they are little.

mackenzieglanville 28/03/2015 at 7:25 pm

Super cute post! Glad you shared it, nothing better than reflecting on the happy moments in our lives. My girls decided about 2 months ago to start sharing a room again. They made the now spare bedroom into a Barbie, Lego and lala loopsy room. They just love sharing a room and I too am often calling out for them to stop chatting and go to sleep. But I love it, I love the lifelong bond they are creating. Thanks for linking up and making me smile xx

Vidya Sury 28/03/2015 at 7:35 pm

Love it! So adorable! Children are such a wonderfully delightful source of happiness! Thank you for sharing! And I am so glad you joined them!

SaltyBug 28/03/2015 at 8:28 pm

Thanks MG, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is hard sometimes when we are exhausted and over it, to remember to enjoy these special moments. I am so glad I did. They have another game they've invented too, but now they have their special bunk bed, it will be interesting to see what they come up with!

SaltyBug 28/03/2015 at 8:30 pm

Thanks Vidya, these are such special moments. I just tucked them into bed tonight and I said to FB – 'thank you for coming on that adventure with us today, and for coming out with us tonight'. To which she said 'Your very welcome mummy!' Then pulled me in for a giant cuddle and kisses.


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