SaltyBug's Splashes


posted by 21/05/2015 6 Comments

It is Write or Die Wednesday time again! This week I thought I would try something a little different. Let me know what you think.


The firelight twinkles in the moonlight. This is our place, this hidden site. I found it years ago when I was walking alone through the wilderness. As I walked that time I was struck by the strength and height of the tree’s creating a protective canopy over me. The Black Ironwoods crept up through this space reaching high, as if the branches were reaching to touch the sun.  In a moment I had walked through this impressive display and found myself standing on low lying dried grass and shrubbery. I looked around and could see a well worn circular perimeter, created years ago by my father’s for their sacred rituals. This was the place. From the moment I stepped into this sacred space I could feel the energy rising from the ground, vibrating from the surrounding trees.


Now I am here again. A small fire pit in the centre provides focus, light, warmth and lets Him know when I am here. When I am ready for Him to come.


I sit on the ground with my legs crossed. I can feel the warm air on my exposed skin and I can smell the earthiness that defines this place of mine. I hear the sounds of the wildness at night, a place that comes alive and teems with activity. I gaze into the fire and let my body relax. I close my eyes and feel the weight of my limbs. I feel the pressure of my buttocks on the earth, my hands resting on the ground. I press my fingers into the dry crumbly earth and feel the dust under my nails.  My breath becomes slow, long, deep and meaningful. Becoming the pattern as I drift away. I feel myself sinking deeper. I feel the connection. It starts with the earth, with the tree’s, with the air. I focus on my breath. I focus on my desire. My desire is for Him.   


Now our journey begins. I see a pathway through the tree’s and slowly walk with steady step toward the door at the end. An old wooden door, like that of an ancient tomb. Reaching out I push the door open and find myself back here in our sacred space. I am sitting again and I look through the flames across the circle through to the trees on the perimeter. I let out a long slow breath and as my eyes focus I meet His gaze. His enormous body standing still as death, his fiery mane an imposing sight but I am not afraid. Never breaking our gaze I feel myself becoming one with the universe. He slightly dips his head in approval and with that we are merged.


I take a moment to admire this sensation. I feel the strength in my forequarters, I feel the imposing size of my paws, I feel the guttural growl deep in the back of my throat and my senses are alive in a way I had only ever dreamed. Tentatively I step forward and I feel my tail move behind me. I like this. I start to walk slowly at first and then I build speed. I feel my heart beating and I hear my breath. Then I am racing through the wilderness, fast. Let’s see how far I can go. Not far. We are not built for that, so I slow down and look around at my surroundings. It is a dark night, the moon hidden in the clouds. The wilderness is dense. I can hear the worms in the earth. I can hear the tree’s speaking to one another.
I curl my lip and smell that sweet warm blood pumping through an animal, it is close. I follow the scent until it is closer and I instinctively know what to do. I crouch down and feel the dried grass on my belly. I focus my eyes and I see the zebra. Half asleep the beast is unaware it is being watched. Slowly I creep forwards, hidden in the shrub now. I take my time but I feel the urge. I am craving the flow of warm blood down my throat. I am within range now. This is the moment. I start to move, picking up pace I approach the zebra on his left side and I feel my muscles flex as I leap at the beast and wrestle it to the ground. I plunge the full force of my jaw into the back of its neck to sever the spinal cord, bringing the beast down and we tumble over each other. I stand and look over my prey, he is still alive, fear in his wide eyes, his nostrils flared with blood starting to drip out onto the ground. His lips are curled as he tries to mewl and I am overcome with the urge to feed. My nostrils flare and the scent of blood on the air makes me shudder as I lose control and bury my teeth in the zebra’s abdomen, making the final kill.


My night is almost over now, and I walk slowly back to our sacred place. I feel at peace, I feel alive. I feel I understand now, the power of connection between earth and beast. I arrive back to my starting place and I see the fire has died down to embers. I close my eyes and lower my head and it is over. When I open my eyes again I am back in my human body. My limbs feel heavy, tired. My eyes meet His powerful gaze and there is understanding and gratitude for this moment. Without a sound He turns and walks slowly away through the wilderness. He is gone.


I dig my hands into the earth and feel a ball of energy growing in size within me. When I feel full I release my energy and that of Him into the earth. Safe until we meet again.



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Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos 22/05/2015 at 12:45 am

What an awesome story! I love it. Especially the imagery! Gave me goosebumps. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing and for linking up with us. xo

SaltyBug 22/05/2015 at 11:03 am

Thanks Mia, I really wanted to get the reader to feel the experience as much as possible.

Andrea H. 23/05/2015 at 4:56 am

Fantastic story!! I felt like I was right there with you! Great work!!

SaltyBug 23/05/2015 at 2:52 pm

Thank you Andrea!

Sonali S 25/05/2015 at 1:14 am

OMG, the story gets a grip on the reader's mind. Awesome post, well written!

SaltyBug 25/05/2015 at 2:26 am

Excellent! I am thrilled you went on the ride.


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