SaltyBug's Splashes


posted by 15/05/2015 6 Comments

Well it is Friday Reflections time again. For this week’s prompt I selected:

What memory do you cherish the most?


This was an interesting prompt that I chose to consider this week. You see I  have memories that I cherish, but choosing one is the hard part.


I considered writing of my earliest memory which was the day we got our family dog. I was two and I was standing in the backyard near the clothes line and our black and white puppy was running around, sniffing at my feet.


There are two key memories which sealed my relationship with my husband. I share these only with people I know as they are precious and private. Which is ironic considering what I am about to share with you.


A few years back I had the pleasure of organising my Dad’s birthday party for a significant birthday. I am a sentimental person so suggested we create a book of his life where his friends and family contribute favourite memories and stories of my Dad. It is one of the greatest things I have created and the greatest gift my dad says he has ever received.


Writing a tribute to my father, I thought about all of the memories I remembered that made me smile, and which helped me become the person I am today. I thought I would share this with you, and I know my dad would not mind one bit! I have just changed a few names for obvious reasons.



There are so many snapshots in my memory that remind me of
I remember…
Digging up potatoes in the vegi patch & you giving me garden
frogs for pets when you found them hidden in the soil
Letting me steer the boat when we were fishing, and finally
letting me scale and gut the fish
That time fishing with Uncle Don and Julie when the giant ray
came up behind you and Don
Picking up mallee roots for the fire and filling the wood basket in
the cold and rain
Driving out to find our xmas trees and how the fragrance filled
the house and made it feel like Christmas
Weekend drives and picnics at the beach
The lovely speech at our wedding reception
Bringing us fish and wood for our pizza oven
You instilled in me my love of nature, my integrity and work ethic
and for that I thank you.


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Janine Ripper 16/05/2015 at 10:11 am

Gosh Im not sure if my comment went through…I wrote about the same prompt, but it took me down a total other road. The whole concept of creating a book for someone you love is beautiful. I've done it twice now and its such a wonderful process and gift.

SaltyBug 16/05/2015 at 10:41 am

Thanks Janine, it was an amazing process and it brought people together. I did not think this prompt would take me down this road either! Funny how words find their way out.

mackenzieglanville 16/05/2015 at 5:13 pm

Sounds like some amazing memories with your dad, and what a beautiful gift you gave him! Thanks for linking up with Friday Reflections xx

SaltyBug 16/05/2015 at 8:36 pm

Thanks MG.

Cathy Tittle 18/05/2015 at 10:44 am

One of the greatest things I treasure is a cookbook my daughter made for me and her aunts (my sisters-in-law) of my mother in law's favorite family recipes, things we often ate on Sunday for dinner at her house. It had old family photos, photocopies of the handwritten recipes, and typed copies. It is a book I absolutely treasure.

Dads make some wonderful memories, and it sounds like you have one of the best. Wonderful post!

SaltyBug 18/05/2015 at 8:44 pm

Oh I just love that idea of the cookbook!! Cooking is a passion of mine so if my family were to make me a book (hint hint family who read my blogs) this would be the way to do it!


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