SaltyBug's Splashes

Lesson’s Learnt this Week

posted by 20/06/2015 4 Comments

This week Mama Kat asked what I have learnt. Well, I have actually learned a few new things. OK, some I already had an idea of but a few things have been highlighted due to circumstances.

I really really do NOT want to build a snowman

I do not know what has happened but my adorable three year old girl has developed an unnatural obsession with that movie whose name shall not pass my lips for fear she will hear me in her gorgeous slumber and prance down the stairs singing…I have had that snowman song stuck in my head for days, literally. I was dreaming the song all night last night. I woke up with it still in my head and remembered my dreams with it featuring…save me now…
School Sucks

I have been a nerdy nerd for years. Love school, how awesome. This last week my little children started summer school. In the spirit of academia, let me do an equation for you (please note this equation is to make a point, not a proper one so please don’t waste your time correcting me, I just don’t care):

 Mud Sucks

I am the girl who sends my kids outside in the rain to jump in puddles. I love Peppa Pig. We do craft and cooking sessions. So I am not afraid of mess. Now we have a puppy and he loves to dig. Rainy season here in the Philippines has started. Digging- in-dirt- Puppy + rain = mud. What I object to is uncontrollable mess. The kind you get when a muddy wet puppy makes a sprint between your legs to get inside when he looks like this. Enough said.
muddy pup


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Mama Kat 22/06/2015 at 2:16 pm

Oh my gosh, muddy puppies are not great for the house, but that face is sure adorable!!

Rose Marie B 23/06/2015 at 3:22 am

That STUPID song and movie! I swore I wasn't buying any of that crap this last Christmas for my grandgirls…but I did. How can a Nana say no? Nice post, I came over from the Writer's Workshop page. 🙂

Salty Bug 23/06/2015 at 12:37 pm

When he looks like this I am immune. When he is washed, dried and fluffy he is my woobie-woobie baby.

Salty Bug 23/06/2015 at 12:38 pm

Ha! I still have that song stuck in my head. It has been over a week…thanks for stopping by.


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