Travel Philippines

LegoLand Malaysia

posted by 19/01/2016 3 Comments
After our quick trip home to Australia we went to LegoLand for three nights to celebrate our beautiful BusyBug’s 5th birthday. How on earth did he get to be five? Where did that go?
I am not a theme park person, having been to Adventure World in Perth once when I was a teenager and I got awful wedgies from water slides and sunburn from being out in the sun too long. I don’t do sun. Lily white skin does not like the sun. However SB convinced me to do this, for BB’s sake. You know what, I loved it. LOVED IT. It was so fabulous. I did not want to leave.  
So I am sure there are hundreds of blogs by parents who have navigated their way through the Lego filled hotel, danced in the disco elevators and solved the clues to open the safe to retrieve the Lego gift in the pirate themed rooms. I am sure other kids ate the record number of croissants for breakfast and had the best time decorating donuts and filling pockets with all the lollies they could find on the buffet. I won’t bore you with a rehash so I will just give a few tips to make the trip that much more fabulous.
Awesome food at LegoLand Malaysia - that fairy floss was bigger than FB's head!

Awesome food at LegoLand Malaysia – that fairy floss was bigger than FB’s head!

Top 10 Tips for Navigating LegoLand Malaysia

1. If you can afford to, stay in the hotel. It is just so brilliant. Themed child friendly rooms, Lego pits, great service, a desert buffet that will make your eyes water and your blood sugar levels go through the roof. The Appletini’s in the bar are good too. The disco elevators are hilarious. YMCA pumping out with disco lighting and a mirror ball.

Awesome Lego Structures, inside the hotel and theme park

Awesome Lego Structures, inside the Hotel and Theme Park

2. Book your LegoLand Themepark/Waterpark tickets online, separate to your hotel booking. It turns out to be cheaper. We got a two day pass and it was perfect.

3. Book a car to pick you up from the airport or wherever you are in Singapore, to drive you across the border. They will have it all sorted for you without any hassles. We used the company that the LegoLand Hotel have a link to on their site. They were fantastic.


4. Allow at least two days to do the parks. The amenities are great, toilets are cleaned regularly, there is toilet paper and western facilities.


5. In the morning, head straight to the water park first. For some reason most people go to the theme park first, so with fewer people you don’t have to line up quite so long for the water slides. We were the first on a few of them. There are plenty of really good quality life vests for the children so don’t weigh down your luggage with your own. No need. There are very secure lockers available for rent and large change rooms and showers.  


6. In the water park, hit the slides first. There are a few you can do as a family and they are great fun. Chill out and relax in the wave pool after all the excitement. A large pool with gentle waves with party music such as The Beach Boys blaring out of speakers. People relax on pool lounges under sail canopies. It feels like a giant pool party. If you have smaller children and you don’t want to keep fishing them out of the deep water, the Duplo themed toddler pool is a great place to let your child go wild while you sit poolside in the shade and relax.


7. The food is the usual fast food kind. At breakfast, take some ziplock bags or containers and make some sandwiches and pack some snacks. That will save you time and money.


8. The theme park is quieter in the afternoon. Take your time as there is a lot to walk around. The queues move quite quickly for the rides so don’t be put off. Slower for the displays (we didn’t go near the Star Wars display, the line was massive – all the time).

Lego Shops are scattered around the Theme Park

Lego Shops are scattered around the Theme Park

9. Take advantage of a few free play areas in the theme park for some down time. There is a big Duplo themed play area where the children can run around and you can sit on a bench, have a coffee and rest your weary feet.

10. Chill out time is well spent in the hotel. There are Lego pits with normal size Lego in the foyer and near the restaurant is a play area with Lego pits filled with giant foam Lego. The children go totally crazy here, and you can sit and doze, read or stare into space as the children work together and build houses, cars, towers and all sorts of Lego constructions. Quite a few parents get in on the action too….

How cool is giant foam Lego!!

How cool is giant foam Lego!!

Our last day arrived way too soon. We had most of the day to ourselves before a mid afternoon pickup for the airport so we brought tickets to the water park. We spent the morning at the park, came back to the hotel for lunch, we packed our wet stuff into overly stuff suitcases and played Lego until our pickup. We got to the airport exhausted yet happy and excited. The children were in such good spirits they decided to sing while we waited to board the plane. A variation to a song their dad had taught them…at the tops of their voices…

‘Wibbly, wobbly, woo. A dog stepped in a poo’….aahhh such happy memories of a fantastic 5th birthday…

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Marie Loerzel 29/01/2016 at 4:32 am

Theme parks are my thing either, but I'm glad you had a great time!

Salty Bug 30/01/2016 at 6:39 am

Thanks Marie

When Holidays go Wrong - SaltyBug 16/06/2017 at 8:45 am

[…] had been planning this trip for over a year. For BB’s 5th birthday we went to LegoLand in Malaysia, and it was awesome. We thought what a great ritual to have, a ‘coming of age’ for […]


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