SaltyBug's Splashes

Glimpse of Everyday Life Seven-Day Challenge – Day 4 – Tuesday

posted by 08/12/2015 2 Comments


Tonight I escaped for a few precious hours alone so I could finish some last minute Christmas shopping. At the moment night time is my favourite time because this city is alight with stunning displays of Christmas lights. Driving down any street you will find a display of lights and it makes your time on the road that little bit more exciting.

This shopping trip I headed into BGC, or The Fort as most of us refer to it. This is where the old American Army base was, now it is a lovely shopping mecca filled with lovely shops, restaurants, open green spaces and a whole load of public art and interactive sculptures.

I started at the mall. I had a few shops to visit there and a friend had mentioned a lights display on the rooftop. I was not disappointed. The lights installation was fun and colourful. When the light show started, electronic music blared carols and the colours danced. This was fun, childlike and happy. I walked around the installation loving the sensory experience. The rest of the level was filled with lights in trees. Even the water features had coloured lights in them and people were sitting around enjoying their surrounds. The energy was friendly and happy. The heat of the day had left and the air was warm and comforting. I felt happy, relaxed and joyful.

I walked down into High Street and quickly found the gifts I was looking for. Then I had a little time to treat myself. These nights out on my own are rare and very special to me.


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Marie Loerzel 15/12/2015 at 8:59 am

What a nice treat!

Salty Bug 15/12/2015 at 9:56 am

Christmas here is lovely.


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