SaltyBug's Splashes

Friday Reflections

posted by 21/03/2015 12 Comments

This week for Friday Reflections I decided to write about the five things I am most grateful for. I thought about it. Then I thought some more. Then I went off and got cranky at dodgy furniture makers and felt fed up with taxi drivers who don’t know where they are going and I thought about it again. You know I actually practice gratitude on a regular basis. Have done for years. I could write today about the standard la-di-da’s of being grateful for my family, kids, health blah blah blah, but you know I also believe in mindful practice which is about being present in the moment and right now, in this moment I am feeling grateful for other stuff besides the usual. This may seem shallow, vain, selfish, whatever. The fact is that in the last few days a dear friend who is under 40 has had a stroke, my uncle has been diagnosed with cancer, and I have been battling my way through adjusting to life in the Philippines so I’m not feeling overly lovey-dovey about life right now, in this moment.  So here it goes.

 5 Things I am Grateful For (in this moment)


1. Buffy the vampire slayer. No matter how hard the fight, you can always do it with grace, look glamorous and have fabulous hair. Oh and vampires are a bit sexy.


2. My brain. I’ve been called weird, crazy, super smart, entrepreneurial, stupid, idiotic and brilliant. How awesome that my head can elicit so much out of life. Personally I like that I’m so open to understanding that I constantly seek to learn, understand and free myself from prejudices. I find it sad that people can be so closed off to new experiences, friendships and love. I’m grateful to be of sound mind, to be in control of my head and have the self-awareness and wisdom to know when I can do better, and be of most benefit to others. 


3. Food. Food is necessary for survival sure but I’m so grateful I love food. I love everything about food – cooking, learning new cuisines and being open to experiencing them. Food is so symbolic. Used as part of everyday rituals, it brings together friends, families and communities. It is social, opening doors to communication. It nourishes, heals and nurtures. People define themselves by the food they prepare and consume. My husband and I had great discussion about what our first official meal here in Manila would be. We wanted it to be memorable, representative of this adventure we are on. I could write forever about food, recipes, cook books, but I think I will go off and do some baking after I’ve finished this post…


4. A cup of tea. Refreshing in the summer, warming in the winter, comforting when you’re down. What’s not to be grateful for! Tea is a good communicator and I reckon a lot of important world decisions and life ones were made over a good brew. Tea is a healing elixir. When I need to step back, take a moment to breathe, to contemplate and understand how I am feeling, a cup of tea is my best friend in that moment. Do you ever feel that way? It is interesting to note here that in Buddhism, the purpose of drinking tea is to be here in the moment, the act of drinking the tea is an act of just ‘being present’.   


5. That I don’t live in the olden days. I’m all about simplicity but not the disempowerment of free thought and the oppression of women (or anyone for that matter). I am grateful for the freedom this day and age gives us. I’m grateful for the power we have as individuals and communities to invoke change through freedom of expression, technology and education. I am so grateful for the Internet and technology which makes the world so much smaller and easier to access. I am grateful we have the resources for medical breakthroughs and scientific outcomes that mean our dear friend can get the treatment he needs to be fully rehabilitated, and my uncle gets the life saving surgery he needs to see another day.  A luxury I am very aware, that sadly not everyone has. I am grateful every day for the gifts we have.
Thanks for reading.





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Muriel 21/03/2015 at 7:22 pm

I love your list! It reminded me that I need to be more grateful for what I have too…

SaltyBug 21/03/2015 at 7:40 pm

Thanks Muriel.

mackenzieglanville 21/03/2015 at 8:18 pm

I had a big day today, a few things on, plus hosting a supermodel party for a bunch of eight year olds. By the time I got home tonight at 9pm, after picking up my 10 year old from another event, I was exhausted, all I wanted was a really nice cup of warm tea! So I'm with you, I am grateful for tea! Hope your friend and Uncle are doing better, and thanks for linking up even though you are stressed, much love xxxx

SaltyBug 21/03/2015 at 8:25 pm

Thanks MG. I shudder at the idea of a supermodel party. My little FB has just discovered dresses, a sniff away from her 3rd birthday and I feel scared! Anyway, enjoy your feets up with your cup. Do you have a special cup you drink your tea out of? I don't, my only requirement is that it is a huge mug, and my tea is strong. Our friend is doing great, and so is my uncle. Thank you for asking. xxxx

Cathy Tittle 22/03/2015 at 12:57 pm

I was reading your post right after publishing my own post, and let me tell you, you got it right. It's the small things that matter, and I have been a tea drinker since I was 15, and every cup brings me right into the moment, no matter what is going on around me. I appreciate your feelings about medicine and the availability, and wish it were possible for all people to have access to healthcare. But right now I am grateful that your friend and uncle do. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. And again making me aware that big or small, gratitude should fill our lives every day.

SaltyBug 22/03/2015 at 1:52 pm

Hi Cathy, thankyou for your kind words.

Penelope James 23/03/2015 at 12:23 am

I'm glad you included that first paragraph. Gives perspective. A post that made me ask myself what I'm grateful for. Like you, I'm grateful for tea.. You mention your brain. Every day of my life, I'm grateful that mine is still alert and functioning. And the olden days. I can remember a 15-year old who died of leukemia and suffering from health problems easily treated these days.

Dave Doo 23/03/2015 at 4:26 am

I cannot believe you just wrote Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Ha,ha. You got me with that one. I have observed that we use to moan about what we don't have and about what we do want. People actually give me looks when I say how great is this and that. I don't know. I have traveled a lot and go through a few things myself. But I believe that if you are healthy and living in the first world you really have loads to be grateful for. I hope your uncle is gonna be ok. I know people who have defeated cancer. Unfortunately it is a common and horrible disease. And I am sure you will adjust to Philippines. The ones I now are good people and you could always get a pro at diving 🙂 Best of luck with everything.

Janine Ripper 23/03/2015 at 4:03 pm

Ah as I sit here reading I have a cup of tea in hand and am sitting out on the back patio having had a very lazy day as my mind and body needed it. Im trying not to feel guilty that is a Monday…

And yes, vampires are so sexy!

Vidya Sury 23/03/2015 at 4:14 pm

Love your list! Just two days ago – I was watching a snippet of the Vampire Diaries and had a sudden rush of nostalgia for reading something I had read long ago. 🙂 I am grateful for my coffee! And yes, even though "those" days always look better, "these" days are easier 😉

Mary Nolan 23/03/2015 at 5:40 pm

I love your list and could add all of them to mine, except for Buffy! I love that you have been called weird, crazy, super smart………you sound like a very interesting person and I am pleased to meet you through this link up!

SaltyBug 23/03/2015 at 9:04 pm

Thank you everyone for your comments. The cup of tea is clearly a popular item on my list!


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