Book Club

April Book Club Night

posted by 15/04/2016 0 comments
This month's BookClub Read

This month’s BookClub Read

It was book club night again. Actually I had been so consumed with things I had forgotten about it until that morning however it still came together. Thankfully this month’s hostess had already prepared for it all.

We read The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith. Well we were supposed to read it. With all the best intentions I started the book, and actually over the weekend I started to get into it, however time ran out on me and I have not finished it. That was okay because it turns out just two other members read it, one of whom listens to audio books, I might need to try those because she is getting through our reading really well doing it that way. Another had started it but just got busy, oh and another member watched it on a flight home and was shocked by how an airline would put such a sex-fueled movie on the listing. She felt rather self-conscious as it played out. So sadly this book has not been given the respect it deserves.

Our night was awesome though, we chatted about all sorts of very important things such as latest TV shows to watch and where is everyone up to with House of Cards. The biggest discussion came when somehow someone mentioned Chris Hemsworth. Our night quickly turned into a Hemsworth Appreciation Evening where we debated which Hemsworth was the hottest. If anyone cares, Chris won the vote. Those who had seen The Dressmaker suggested the rest of us watch that before deciding because Liam comes into his own in that movie. We all agreed that we would not turn any of the boys away if they came knocking, even the other brother, you know, the one who isn’t famous. He’s a looker too. Those eyes…

Our second big discussion was about how we are about to lose a large chunk of our book club members. This is one of those parts of expat life that gets a bit unsettling. The transient nature of this life. Sometimes there is warning, sometimes though, it is just so sudden. In the coming months we are losing three friends, by the end of the year possibly another. Then there are the others we know who are not part of our club who are leaving too. I must say that these last few days after our lovely night I have felt flat, dark. Burying myself in tasks to take my mind of the fact that just as I am getting comfortable with these new friends, I am about to lose them. This is new territory that I am yet to navigate and I feel nervous about how my sensitive heart will survive.

So that was our night. It has all the makings of a chick-flick. The highs, the lows, the laughter, the sisterhood.

Okay, now onto the book. As mentioned I have not read a large amount but I do plan to finish it because it is so beautifully written. The narrative is majestic. It is like a gentle concerto. You know when you get so caught up in the music, the interplay of notes that you find your body moving slightly along with it. For me, The Price of Salt is like that. The melody of sentences is stunning. Our member who read/listened to it said there was no gratuitous sex, for which we were a little disappointed as let’s face it, who doesn’t like a little bit of that in a good book (not too much to be crass, just enough), but she said there is lots of tender touching. For me I feel the story arc is slow in getting to the point, but perhaps that is my impatience. I suspect when it peaks it will be faster and the intensity will increase, well I hope so. I will see how it goes. My verdict is quite simple. If you were curious to read it, then do. If you have seen the movie and think it will be as full on as that, it won’t be, that doesn’t make either version better than the other. Just enjoy the storytelling. 

Our next book is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, have you read it? What do you think? How does it compare to the TV show? 





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