ExpatSalty at Home

Back on Track

posted by saltybug.com 15/07/2015 2 Comments
It was a shaky start but now I am getting back on track. I sit here now, in my little hospital room with my iPad, dodgy WiFi I have to reboot every half hour, and feel satisfied that I have managed to assist in organising the world of my husband and children remotely. We have got through another day with our most wonderful House Maid helping at home, and I am feeling better. I am less stressed. I am recovering. Our plans are coming together well. 
Today we are on Plan A – SB took the children to school this morning. I emailed him instructions on packing lunches and bags which he felt was excessive but then again he hasn’t had to deal with the school run before. Then our friend is picking the children up to play at her house. She will feed them, care for them, bathe them ready for delivery back to their dad at the end of his work day. Repeat as required.
Now where was I. Ahh yes, back to my book…

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Sheryl Rose 16/07/2015 at 8:53 am

Good for you!

Salty Bug 16/07/2015 at 9:11 am

Thanks Sheryl! I'm feeling a lot better now, I am just very tired so a good sleep in my own bed is required I think 😊


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