Pililla Wind Farm
I took the children to Pililla Wind Farm. Quiet refuge complete with fresh air and a cool breeze. Lovely.
I took the children to Pililla Wind Farm. Quiet refuge complete with fresh air and a cool breeze. Lovely.
Last Adventure Saturday we found ourselves at a Bee Farm. It was so fascinating!
Since the start I have been drawn to her, to Mount Makiling. Finally we were going to visit her. It was Adventure Saturday and we went to the Mount Makiling Botanical Gardens. I was hoping I would get to meet Maria the heartbroken fairy.
It is that time of year in the expat community. The time for saying goodbye.
Food tours are such a brilliant way to learn about the history of an area. Last Adventure Saturday FB and I explored the food delights of China Town.
Friday night was an eye opener for me. I realised I had become so complacent in my new life I had almost missed out on this gorgeous evening out.
Saturday was so much fun. We went off to explore two favourite markets of mine. The Katipunan Weekend Market and the Greenhills Weekend Market. If you are in Manila, check them out.
One day I packed up the children and discovered Paco Park. An ancient secret hidden away, not even the taxi driver knew where to find it.
The other weekend it was Adventure Saturday and we headed off to the beach. Real Surf in Quezon offers great relief from the usual beach experience, with small waves, clean sand and comfortable surrounds.
Well Hello Jamie Fraser! We met up during the week and we were supposed to have read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.