Welcome to the Philippines!
OK, we are not in Kansas anymore Toto…trying to get a house organised over here is not quite as easy as back home. In fact, nothing here is easy as I am just beginning to find out…
OK, we are not in Kansas anymore Toto…trying to get a house organised over here is not quite as easy as back home. In fact, nothing here is easy as I am just beginning to find out…
Our first few days here in Manila have been filled with so much. It is sensory overload on every level.
The first few days in Manila have been challenging. Working against the clock to get things organised. We are tired, the children are getting stressed and culture shock is setting in.
We have just arrived in our new home.
It is our last night in Perth, and a time for reflection. Celebrating the journey so far and looking forward to what lies ahead.
In our last night in our home, it is time to reflect, to remember and to prepare for what lies ahead.
It’s our last few days before we move overseas. We are excited, exhausted and doing last minute visits to our favourite places, to say our last goodbye’s.
Saying goodbye is hard to do. It helps to put a ritual in place to mark the ending and the beginning of a new phase.
Returning to your childhood home is always special. Ghosts of the past still roam the hallways.
I took the children back to my family home for a short break before we moved overseas.