The Pampered Life
I recently had an amazing experience. While I had my hair done, I had a foot spa too. It was bliss. A real treat, one I would never get back home.
I recently had an amazing experience. While I had my hair done, I had a foot spa too. It was bliss. A real treat, one I would never get back home.
It has been a busy week. Noodles has been at the vet for his checkup, I’ve been back to the post office and we discovered some new night markets. Along the way we found awesome icecream and got caught in a torrential rain downpoor.
Is that happiness ideal a bit unrealistic? I think it is.
This photo looks like something pretty insignificant. For us though, it is one of the greatest images we have of our son. It is the moment he had a breakthrough.
A short story.
There is a lot written about the issues expats may face. Here, there is an amazing sisterhood. When someone in the community needs help we are there. Yet there is a shadow side too. That one where women insist on tearing each other down. I don’t know why.
Here is an update on the dodgy postal service here, and our newest family member – Noodles the Puppy.
I was asked about a treasured memory, I gave a few.
A short story based on the prompt ‘The Fog’
A short piece about kindness. It isn’t hard, really it isn’t.