Lesson’s Learnt this Week
What have I learned this week? A few things. For one I really do not want to build a snowman. That aside, there are a few other things…
What have I learned this week? A few things. For one I really do not want to build a snowman. That aside, there are a few other things…
Friends took us for a tour of Tagaytay. It was such a wonderful day. What a beautiful place to visit.
A short story about empty space.
I have written for Friday Reflections prompt ‘Reflect on how exercise has made an impact on your life’.
It was a busy few weeks. We went to a museum, found great places to eat, there were gardens involved and we went back to Hidden Valley Springs.
Which Disney Princess would you be?
The first time I saw my newborn child was not the perfect fairy-tale dream I had been sold. It was the total opposite.
When I was a child I used to write letters a lot. I adored checking the mailbox and finding a handwritten letter addressed to me. Well, I don’t handwrite so much these days, but recently I reconnected with my Gran through letter writing, and it is so wonderful.
I remember when we left our home for our new life.
A short story about a new pair of shoes.