Wobbly Wednesdays
It probably isn’t very appropriate, but us mum’s whose girls do ballet class together have started a weekly pub crawl. I’ve named it Wobbly Wednesdays.
It probably isn’t very appropriate, but us mum’s whose girls do ballet class together have started a weekly pub crawl. I’ve named it Wobbly Wednesdays.
We went island hopping and it was fantastic. Crystal clear waters, sandy beaches and sunshine. Brilliant.
The other night was our inaugural book club. I was so excited and I had a wonderful night. It is so good to have a girls night out filled with laughter, wine and friendship.
Life here can be pretty harsh for some. I struggle with what I see out of my car window. The other day I witnessed something really upsetting.
We finally had a weekend away, like really away. We caught a boat, went across the ocean to an island and stayed in a lovely resort on the beach. It was fantastic!
It was Adventure Saturday and we headed out to Rizel Province to the Daranak Falls. On the way we discovered some awesome caves too.
We went on a day trip with a friend out to Antipolo in the Province of Rizel. It was great. We found a waterfall and a gorgeous art museum.
I make no secret of how hard this expat journey has been. I am an honest woman and I am neither ashamed nor embarrassed by my emotions and how I feel about things.
I just drove for the first time here in Manila. It was super scary but I did it. I feel really proud!
I did it. I got my drivers license to drive over here in Manila…